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How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

This video is about discovering the hottest products on Shopify. You can clearly see which of your competitors’ products are selling best. You can also clearly dig into the accounts of thousands of sellers who have opened stores on Shopify to see their top sales.

So how do we do that?

The first step:

Go to

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

The second step:

Type into the search box and click WHOIS LOOKUP

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

Ps ( this address is Shopify IP, Shopify’s headquarters is set in Canada)

Step 3:

Click the “Other Sites on IP” button, as shown below

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

At this time, you will see a lot of Shopiy websites, as shown in the figure below, 43,268 websites have been searched

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

Step 4:

If you want to see more websites’ stores at this time, you can click “View All Records” and click “World Site Popular Rating” again, as shown in the figure below:

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

What do you do if you want to check out the site’s top sellers?

Step 5:

Type directly in the address bar sort_by=best-selling

For example, if you want to see a hit from, just type in: sort_by=best-selling

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

In this way, you can find out which ones sell best on

Well, isn’t that great?

If sometimes you don’t know how to choose a product, then you can use this method to find out, maybe you can find the product you want.

Well, back to the front, while we were digging through so many Shopify sites, I noticed that the top rankings were all for clothing.

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This competition is too fierce!!

Well, this is just one method up here

Let’s move on. (Not in the video.)

We have given you a Shopify IP, and then you can dig out more than N products, and then find out the ones you are interested in, and then find the hot seller, right?

However, you may have a problem here, I am in trouble to find this way, if I want to check the products that make dog chain, how can I find those websites? One by one?


You can do it like this

Step one:

Open the Google

Step 2:

In the Google search box, enter the keyword as (let’s take the dog leash example) : dog ring

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

So all the websites you find through this statement are built using Shopify, and all the search results are related to dog ring

As shown in screenshot below, I open the, the number one is to this page

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

So if I have to check on the website which is one of the best products, you can use in front of our method, directly enter the url in the browser as follows: sort_by=best-selling

Then all the hot selling products on this website will be found by you! The diagram below:

How to quickly discover your competitor’s best-selling products?

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