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Best 20 Free WordPress Plugins That'll Help Your Blog A Lot

Best 20 Free WordPress Plugins That’ll Help Your Blog A Lot on Dropshipping

If you’ve been thinking of transforming your WordPress blog and taking it greater heights, you might love to use some plugins.

These are the plugins that help build a better following, a better website appearance and even take the user experience to a whole new level.

We have it all in this guide, the best 20 you can ever have in 2019.


1. MonsterInsights Lite

Best 20 Free WordPress Plugins That'll Help Your Blog A Lot

MonsterInsights Lite offers a relatively simple and hassle-free way to have your WordPress account connected with your Google Analytics account. It makes it possible to find out what your website visitors does while inside your site.

Well, if you get to know what your visitors love doing while in, you can always customize your content for more of the same to attract even a better following. If you have MonsterInsights Lite, this is a dream come true.

2. Google XML Sitemaps

Needless to say, your site will be highlighted in the search engines only if these engines know it exists in the first place. The one plugin that will help you here is the Google XML Sitemaps.

It allows you to have an XML sitemap that the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing or even are able to crawl and even index. In the long run, this WordPress Plugin will boost your SEO ranking a great deal.

3. WPForms Lite

WPForms Lite is another of the best plugins you can ever have for your WordPress account. This plugin offers drag and drop options in the form builder so you could easily produce the contact forms that you require for your website. WPForms Lite is responsive and user-friendly. It also will boost your SEO.

4. Jetpack


Jetpack does a lot for you. First, it comes with a number of WordPress themes allowing you to better design your account. It also brings along unlimited images as well as video CDN. And if you want to make your site easy to load with mobile phones, this is the plugin to use as it has the lazy loading functionality.

You also get the chance to automate posting of your articles in social media and also the ability to incorporate your account with PayPal buttons so you could better manage payments from your audience.

If you want to better protect your site, the plugin offers that too. It protects you from brute force attacks, span and even does the downtime monitoring. Well, the plugin gets you covered in several aspects.

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5. W3 Total Cache

Best 20 Free WordPress Plugins That'll Help Your Blog A Lot

Then we have W3 Total Cache, a plugin that will boost your SEO ranking by improving your site speed. It allows you to offer both cached and compressed files to your visitors thus reducing the time taken to load to your site.

6. Yoast SEO


You will love Yoast SEO for what it does for your WordPress account. It makes it possible for you to have an updated XML sitemap just at every point in time as it automatically updates it. It also allows you to know what your visitors like doing in your site so you could customize what you produce.

This plugin also lets you know when the content in your WordPress account is SEO optimized. Away from that, it lets you incorporate meta tags and have in place canonical URLs to help you prevent duplication of content and subsequently preventing Google penalties. You also get an opportunity to have Google Search Console inform you of how your content is doing. You thus will be able to solve issues such as errors with the crawls.

7. Sucuri Security


For any issues related to website security, Sucuri Security takes the lead. It comes with features such as blacklist monitoring, activity audits, post-hack security, all security notification, and even remote malware scanning.

It also protects your account from any malware, XXS attacks or even brute force attacks. In overall, all your security concerns can best be handled by this plugin.

8. Duplicator

Duplicator helps you move your WordPress website from one site to another flawlessly. It makes it possible for you to copy, move and even clone the new website without losing any information. Even if you want to migrate from one domain to another, it will see you through with virtually no downtime experienced.

9. Better Click to Tweet


Better Click to Tweet makes it possible for your readers to tweet your content just with a click. This is a plugin that makes it possible for your content to be shared to reach a big audience. In a simple step, your readers will be able to share your content to all of their twitter followers.

10. Shortcodes Ultimate


Shortcodes Ultimate allows you to access a full list of shortcodes important in template files, text widgets and in the post editor. This plugin makes it possible for shortcodes to be generated just in a single click thus transforming your experience with WordPress.

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11. Broken Link Checker


Broken Link Checker runs several checks on your site and notifies on the broken links that need to be fixed. It runs checks on your posts, comments, pages as well as blogroll and let you know the broken links if any.

This ensures that you do not compromise your blogs SEO ranking and ensures that you spare you, readers, the inconvenience of being unable to access your content. You get notified on email or dashboard.

12. Easy Google Fonts


You do not have to limit yourself with the fonts coming with the WordPress theme. There is a new world of possibilities with Easy Google Fonts. It makes it entirely possible for you to have full control over the typography you use with your website. It comes with over 600 fonts so you could choose from them.

13. Beaver Builder


If you would like to design your website to make it look more attractive, no matter the skills you have, you can always use Beaver Builder. It comes with a drag and drop feature making it entirely easy to design it. Anyone can use this plugin as it not complicated. The content modules in this free plugin can be HTML, audio, photo, video, text editor or the sidebar.


14. TablePress

Best 20 Free WordPress Plugins That'll Help Your Blog A Lot

Tablepress is yet another of the best WordPress plugins that just cannot fail you. If you are wondering how you could incorporate beautiful tables into that post or page, this is the plugin to trust for the task.

With a shortcode, you can do that. So no much experience is needed here. Even if you want the plugin to do the math for you, it can. You only have to type in the formulas.

15. WooCommerce


If you want to sell products on your website, you will need WooCommerce to design your online shop. It allows you to sell anything that you ever think of in your site. In your design, you could give different sizes, shapes and any other variations that you want for your products.

It also helps you with pricing your shipping fee calculating them in real time. It also regulates the payment options such as the credit cards, cash on delivery or even the BACs. A long story short, WooCommerce is the one WordPress plugin to fully manage your online shop.

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16. Simple Author Box


You might want to let your readers know the person who wrote the post and a short description of those authors. If you can identify with this, all you need is the Simple Author Box plugin.

It makes it possible for you to display both the author name and the gravatar as well as their bios. If you have a couple of authors, you can use icons of all of them, more than 30, displayed so your visitors can easily navigate through the authors’ section.

17. UpdraftPlus

You just might lose all your data following a server crash or to that terrible hacker, or even following a website malfunction. Thus we recommend you take advantage of the free backup offered by the UpdraftPlus WordPress plugin.

18. Insert Headers and Footers


If you ever want to insert some codes into the header and the footer so as to allow some functionalities such as the Google Analytics tracking, this is the plugin that comes in handy. It spares you the otherwise complicated procedures making the process relatively simple. You will be required to only insert the scripts as the plugin do the rest.

19. Shared Counts


This is a plugin that allows you to incorporate your post with a number of sharing buttons. You can do that once you have posted the article or even before. It also prevents Google from listing you as ‘Not Secure’ when you just changed from HTTP to HTTPS. This plugin does not use cookies, tracking scripts nor keep the user data.

20. Smush It


If you didn’t know, the images you integrate into your post could lower the loading speed, affect the overall performance and cost your SEO ranking. To spare you the ordeal, we have the Smush It; a plugin that offers automated support.

Every time you attach an image, it will automatically resize and compress it and optimize your post performance on Google search. In as much as it does the resizing and the rest, it will not compromise the final quality of your images.

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