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How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes

If you’re an Amazon seller, you know that ASINs, UPCs, and SKUs are important. In this article, we’ll explain what each of these terms means and how they impact your business. We’ll also provide a helpful conversion tool so you can convert an ASIN to a UPC quickly and easily!Beginner sellers on Amazon may wonder if having a UPC is mandatory to sell on Amazon. We’ll answer this question and explain how to convert Amazon ASINs to UPCs. We will also discuss whether you should use a tool such as an Amazon UPC lookup or an Amazon ASIN to UPC lookup. Afterward, we’ll consider different ASIN to GTIN converter options. Let’s get started.

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes

What is an Amazon ASIN?

An Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a unique identifier for products sold on Amazon. ASINs are ten characters long and always start with the letter “B.”Before selling unique products on Amazon, merchants must provide an ASIN number to Amazon. The product’s ASIN is included in the product listing on Amazon, and it can also be used as a search term on the site. Making ASINs searchable helps customers locate the products they’re looking for on Amazon.

What is an Amazon UPC?

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
A Universal Product Code (UPC) is a unique barcode number that identifies products sold in stores. UPCs are twelve characters long and always start with the number “0”. For example, a UPC typically found on a product’s packaging might be “0-30918-00609-0.”UPCs are also used to track inventory and sales data for products. Retailers use this information to determine which products sell best and which products need to be discounted or removed from store shelves.

UPCs and ASINs differ in a few key ways:

  • ASINs are specific to Amazon, while UPCs can be used in any store that sells products with barcodes.
  • ASINs are ten characters long, while UPCs are twelve characters long.
  • ASINs always start with the letter “B,” while UPC codes always begin with the number “0”.

Why do you need an Amazon UPC?

To create an Amazon product listing, merchants must provide an ASIN for their product. However, sellers also need to provide a UPC for their product to receive product tracking and sales data from Amazon.Sellers need this barcode type because Amazon uses UPCs to track sales data. Without a UPC, Amazon cannot associate your product with any sales data, and you will be unable to see how well your product is performing on the site.

Is it mandatory to have a UPC to sell on Amazon?

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
It is possible to skip the expense of getting an official UPC number for each of your products. Although you need some kind of SKU, it is not mandatory to have a UPC in order to sell products on Amazon.If you do not want to purchase UPCs, there are other ways for Amazon to track your product sales data. You can create an Amazon product listing using the ASIN of your product and then provide Amazon with the UPC code when you’re ready. Amazon will associate your product with the sales data associated with that ASIN.

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Alternatively, you can use a tool such as an Amazon UPC lookup to convert your ASINs into UPCs. This way, you’ll have all of the information you need to track your products’ sales data and performance on Amazon.

Top Amazon UPC Tools

To convert an ASIN to a UPC or vice versa, sellers can use a number of different tools. Here are a few of the most popular options:

UPC Converter Websites:

There are various websites that allow sellers to convert an ASIN to a UPC and vice versa. These tools typically require you to enter the ASIN or UPC and then provide your email address to send the converted code to you.

Amazon UPC Lookup

This tool allows sellers to look up UPCs for products sold on Amazon. All you need is the product’s ASIN, and this tool will provide the corresponding UPC code.

Amazon ASIN to GTIN Converter

If you want to convert an ASIN to a GTIN 12 (Global Trade Item Number), which is a 12-character code used to identify products, you can use this tool. There is also a 14-digit GTIN, which is what is put on the shipping cartons.So, do you need a UPC tool as an Amazon eCommerce seller? The answer is yes! UPCs are mandatory for Amazon sellers to receive sales data and product tracking information from the site.

Without a UPC, you will be unable to see how well your product is performing on Amazon. Fortunately, these tools help sellers manage their product identifiers with ease.

Here are some barcode tools to consider as an Amazon Merchant or FBA Seller.

Turbo Piranha

If you need a UPC converter that code-converts ASIN to UPC, locates Amazon products by UPC, and provides a Barcode Lookup tool, you might consider Turbo Piranha.This tool is especially beneficial for Amazon sellers because it offers a bulk convert option.

After entering all of your ASINs, the tool will automatically generate UPC codes for each product and send them to you via email.


This tool also allows sellers to convert an ASIN to a UPC and offers a bulk convert option.In addition, Barcoderebot will check the validity of your UPC codes to ensure that they are correct and up-to-date.

How much are Amazon UPC lookup tools and converters?

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
If you’re an eCommerce seller on a budget, you’ll be happy to know that these UPC lookup and conversion tools are relatively affordable. Most of them cost between $0.99 and $29.99, with the occasional free tool available online.Sometimes manufacturers require you to create a UPC before ordering products from them, so it’s always a good idea to have a few UPCs on hand. You can usually buy a few UPCs in bulk to save money.

Other Important APIs

In addition to ASIN to GTIN conversion and Amazon UPC lookup tools, there are some other important APIs that Amazon sellers should be aware of.These APIs allow sellers to manage their listings, orders, and customers through automated scripts. Knowing about these APIs can help sellers automate many sales tasks on Amazon.

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Listing Quality APIs

If you’re curious how well your product listings attract customers, then a listing quality API is the right tool for you. This API gives sellers data on how their product listing is performing, including conversion rates and keywords that are driving traffic to their products.

Order APIs

Order APIs allow sellers to manage their orders through automated scripts. This process can include tasks such as updating order status, canceling orders, and issuing refunds.Most order APIs use the same SKUs you use on Amazon, so it’s essential to ensure your SKUs are correct and up-to-date. You’ll use this type of API tool to track your inventory levels, orders, and shipping information.

Customer APIs

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
Customer APIs allow sellers to manage their customers through automated scripts. This can include creating or updating customer profiles, issuing credits, and viewing order history.The best way to keep track of your customers is by using a customer ID unique to Amazon, which will help you ensure that all customer data is connected to your Amazon account.

Product Trend APIs

As an Amazon merchant, it’s vital to keep track of top-selling products in your niche. That’s exactly what a product trend API can do for you. This API provides sellers with data on the top-selling products in a given category or subcategory.This information can be helpful when deciding which products to stock and sell on Amazon. Without the right tool to track trending products, staying ahead of the competition will be more challenging.

Amazon Profit Calculator APIs

How profitable are the products you sell on Amazon? Does your business currently track warehouse costs, shipping fees, and other associated costs?If not, it’s time to start using an Amazon Profit Calculator API. This type of API allows sellers to calculate the profit margins on their products. With this data, you can make better business decisions about what items to sell and how to price them.

Why do Amazon sellers need product identifiers?

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
Product identifiers play an essential role in the Amazon marketplace. In addition to ASINs and UPCs, these identifiers include GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers) and EANs (European Article Numbers).All of these identifiers are used to track products, orders, and customers. So, why do sellers need Amazon product label identifiers?

There are a few key reasons:

  • To create an Amazon product listing, sellers must provide an ASIN. However, sellers also need to provide a UPC for their product to receive product tracking and sales data from Amazon.
  • Without a UPC, Amazon cannot associate your product with any sales data, and you will be unable to see how well your product is performing on the site.
  • Product identifiers are used to track inventory and sales data for products. Retailers and manufacturers use this data to make informed business decisions about products.
  • Product identifiers are also used to identify products in the supply chain. This helps ensure that products are correctly routed and tracked as they move through the supply chain.

As you can tell, product identifiers are crucial for eCommerce retailers that must rely on data to make informed business decisions.

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Without Amazon ASIN tracking, information, it becomes difficult to track your products in multiple marketplaces, identify and solve inventory discrepancies, and make data-driven decisions about what products to sell.

That’s where a good UPC converter tool comes in handy.

What is an Amazon UPC lookup tool?

How to Use and Convert Amazon ASINs to UPC Codes
An Amazon UPC lookup is a tool that allows sellers to look up UPCs for products sold on Amazon. All you need is the product’s ASIN, and this tool will provide the corresponding UPC code.This tool is helpful for Amazon sellers because it can help them convert an ASIN to a UPC or vice versa. In addition, it can also help sellers identify UPCs for products that they are considering selling on Amazon.

If you’re an Amazon seller, it’s important to be aware of the different types of product identifiers and their role in the Amazon marketplace. Knowing about these tools and APIs will help you manage your listings and orders more efficiently.

Amazon ASIN lookup tools vs. Amazon UPC Lookup tools

Is an Amazon ASIN to UPC lookup tool different from an Amazon UPC lookup tool? Well, yes and no.An Amazon ASIN to UPC lookup tool is specifically designed to convert an ASIN to a UPC. An Amazon UPC lookup tool allows sellers to look up UPCs for products that are sold on Amazon.

So, if you’re looking for a specific UPC or need to convert an ASIN to a UPC, then the Amazon ASIN to UPC lookup tool is the tool for you. However, if you just need to look up UPCs for products, the Amazon UPC lookup tool will be more useful.

Converting an Amazon ASIN to a GTIN

If you want to convert an Amazon ASIN to a GTIN, you can use the Amazon ASIN to UPC lookup tool. This tool will convert an ASIN to a UPC and then convert the UPC to a GTIN.This lookup tool is helpful for sellers who want to convert their product identifiers from one format to another. It’s also useful for sellers who are looking to sell their products in other countries and need to use a different product identifier format.

The EU and Japan use different SKU formats than the United States. If you’re selling products in these countries, you’ll need to use the appropriate converter tool to convert your product identifiers.

Conclusion – Understanding and converting Amazon ASINs, UPCs, and SKUs

As an Amazon seller, it’s important to be aware of the different types of product identifiers and their role in the Amazon marketplace. Knowing about these tools and APIs will help you manage your listings and orders more efficiently.In this post, we’ve discussed the role of product identifiers in the Amazon marketplace. We’ve also looked at some of the most important APIs that Amazon sellers should be aware of. Knowing about these tools can help sellers manage their listings and orders more effectively and increase their sales on Amazon.

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